Friday, October 18, 2013

Feel-Good Friday: What A Week.

Well readers, this has been quite a week in our household. If you've been following the blog, you know that Jenny had to get spayed this week, on the same day I needed a root canal. She seems to be doing really well and is almost back to her old self. 

However, we had another trip to the vet this week, and it was not planned. I found a new lump on Wiley. He had surgery for a lump back in February. You can read about that here. Naturally my heart sank when I found a new one, so it was right into the vet's office for him. Look at his sad face as he waits for the doctor.

 The lump was needle biopsied, and then we waited for the results.

The waiting is always brutal, but when the doctor came in he said he did not see anything abnormal on the slide. In his words, he did not "have a bad feeling about this lump." Dr. McDonald has been very candid with us in the past, so I felt very relieved to hear this from him, which is why it is my Feel-Good Friday story.  Please pray that Wiley's new lump just disappears, never to be seen nor heard from again.

When we came back from the vet I gave him doggie peanut butter ice cream. He got it before he even got his dinner!  Boy was he excited.

I asked Hubs to take a picture of Jenny and me after that, because I knew I wanted to write about her for Feel-Good Friday.

I know it looks like she is trying to get away from me in these pictures, but trust me- if she wanted to get away she would. She has no reservations about biting to get her point across. This is just Jenny allowing me to manhandle her, which she does quite often.

While we were posing, Wiley jumped up next to us on the couch.

He does this all the time, whether I'm holding Jenny or not. He will sit there and wait for me to pet him, so he can do this:

Hubs kept getting snapshots, like this one of Wiley's expressive face.

Later, when I was looking through the pictures, I discovered this:

Let me zoom in for you.

Hubs and I, and the other people I showed this to who know Wiley, could not stop laughing at this. I know you might think, "Oh no! That's not funny! He's a vicious sociopath!"  However, I can assure you that he must have been licking his lips or something in this picture. Neither of us noticed any kind of growling or body language to go along with this expression. However, that expression does pretty much sum up how he's felt about all of us since bringing Jenny in. 

Right after this he got down to come investigate Jenny a little closer.

See? All's well that ends well, and he and Jenny saw eye-to-eye.

Anyway, can I just tell you I am so ready for this week to be over? All combined, we have had a trip to the endodontist, the family doctor, the therapist, and two trips to the vet. That's just between Wiley, Jenny, and me. Let's hope my husband stays healthy. I'm grateful that we all have access to health care but man. . . this week was EXPENSIVE.  I'm thinking about shaving a corporate sponsor into Wiley's fur or renting Jenny out for Halloween. Any takers? They're high maintenance. lol 

Email me at if you have a rescue story to share, pictures of Halloween or a Dynamic Duo, or a job opening for Wiley and Jenny so they can start supporting themselves. BOL.

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