Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Photo Share, Puppy Dog Eyes, 4

It's the fourth week of our Puppy Dog Eyes Photo Share, and the great pictures just keep coming in. Let's start with our second picture of Caesar, whom I teased you with last week. 

Oh mannnnnn. He is sooo irresistible. And he has a brother, Moose, who is pretty skilled in the same area.

There are actually some other pictures from the same household, Lauren's, that I'm going to share next week too. I think you're going to be impressed when you see them.

Moving on, we have Pip. Janine, who works for the Hillside SPCA (former home of Wiley and a few other dogs we've featured here) fostered Pip after he was taken out of a terrible hoarding situation. As you might guess the minute you look into his eyes, he was a foster failure. She just had to keep him.

Ruby has been on the blog before. Look into her eyes. Deeply into her eyes. sighhhhhh.

Maxi is a cute and happy dog I met through Instagram @Maxiboysdays. I keep telling his human he would make a great feature story for the blog? What do you think?

Finally, I leave you with Wiley's puppy dog eyes. I shared this picture on Sunday, but in case you didn't see it it's worth sharing again. And if you did see it, so what? Look at it again anyway. It's precious.

Awwww. My boy.

So, what is your situation? Do you have a dog?  Does it have at least one good eye*? Then get a Puppy Dog Eyes picture in to us. There are no special requirements at all. Just email me at and I'll share your picture!

*Please don't think I'm being disrespectful here. I'm serious. Suzy shared Isis and she only has one eye. 

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