Friday, December 20, 2013

A Heartfelt Feel-Good Festive Friday

We've been enjoying Festive Feel-Good Fridays this month, and so I thought maybe for a laugh you'd enjoy some pictures of Jenny and how she responds to me when I try to bring out her "festiveness."  In this series of pictures, I had some antlers I was going to attempt to put on her. She immediately knocked them off her head and gave me this look.

 I tried again and she grabbed them.

At that point she realized they had bells on them, and decided it was time to attack them!

Her favorite thing to do is climb beds. Literally she climbs them like Spiderman if someone taunts her from the top. She loves it.  In this picture, taken on a different day, you can see how neurotic it makes Wiley when she hovers around the bottom of the bed, just waiting for something to attack. 

 Unfortunately there are frequently nights when I am awakened out of a dead sleep because she is attacking my toes as they hang over the edge.  Here she is just waiting for me to show her the antlers.

When I took too long to tease her she came to investigate for herself.

Meanwhile, Wiley was more than willing to cooperate, perhaps even more so to prove to me why he's better than Jenny. lol.

"Look at me Mom! I'll wear the antlers! Look how cute I am!"

Anyway, that's a little glimpse into the behind-the-scenes activities of the Rescue Dog Blog. Now, since it's Feel Good Friday, I do have something I want to share that I feel good about. Last year, when I first started the blog, I shared this picture and a prayer request for little Charlotte Josephine, born December 20, 2012. She needed open heart surgery and her parents couldn't bring her home from the NICU until she had it. 

Charlie's mother has cleverly decided to take pictures of Charlie's progress each month, pictured with her stuffed heart her dad got for her. Here she is at one month.

This is from when she was six months old.

And look at her at 11 months!  She's finally bigger than the heart!

Today Charlie Jo is one year old. Thank you, readers, for all your thoughts and prayers sent to Charlie and her family last year. Keep praying for a long healthy life for Charlie with her family, who are dear friends of mine.  Happy Birthday Charlie Jo!

This weekend there is still time for you to share pictures of your pet(s) as they celebrate Christmas. Email me at and I'll post them sometime over the next week.

Follow us on social media:  
Twitter: @RescueDogBlog
Instagram: @rescuedogblog 

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