Friday, November 15, 2013

Feel-Good Friday

 Wiley and Jenny are still learning to co-exist, and the process is not without its humorous moments for sure. I thought maybe for our Feel-Good Friday post I could share one of her feline moments and Wiley's reaction to it as a lead-in to one of my favorite funny videos that has been making the internet rounds of late.  

A few days ago Jenny jumped in the clothes basket while I was in the laundry room. 

These types of things, the very things cats do most, e.g. climb on the window sills or chase imaginary things at top speed, are the ones that upset Wiley, because he just doesn't know what to make of them. 

You can see his genuine consternation with her, and then the look of concern in his eyes. It's like he's saying, "Ma?  Are you seeing this? Are you going to do anything about this?"

Surprisingly he didn't bark at her, which is one of his go-to moves when she is someplace he thinks she shouldn't be. She kept a very watchful eye on him though.

I guess he thought he'd try a new approach to dealing with her, because he actually "sat up," begging for me to do something. BOL. 

God Bless my neurotic and jealous furkid. He's doing the best he can adjusting to Jenny, and better than I ever thought he'd do, but he still has a bit of a ways to go. 

Now, let's hope Jenny doesn't start to bully Wiley the way the cats in this video are bullying these dogs. Click on the picture below to watch a very funny two minutes of cats stealing dogs' beds.

How do your pets get along?  Any competition among them? Email me at

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