Wednesday, February 26, 2014


A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of telling you about Bonnie. What I really liked about Bonnie's story is that it wasn't a rescue story in the typical sense but rather was more about the lengths that Brittany was willing to go to so that she and Bonnie could stay together. If you didn't read the story I really encourage you to check it out here.  Today, we get to meet Bonnie's brother, Karter. 

Once Brittany and her boyfriend were ready for another dog, she decided, after fostering several,  she wanted a female. 

She went to the Humane Society in March of 2012 and saw Karter there, but she decided to pass since he was a male.

 However, when she went home she couldn't stop thinking about that 15 lbs under weight and heartwarm positive guy, and she ended up taking her boyfriend in to meet him.  

 They hit it off right away, which was important for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that many of the other dogs there seemed a bit intimidated by men. 

Brittany learned that Karter was a stray from a small town known for a lot of backyard breeding.  

He wasn't aggressive and didn't act abused, but he was very food-obsessed. 

Now, lots of pets are food-obsessed. Heck, Jenny will steal right from a cooking pot if I turn my back for a minute, and she's a cat! But Karter's food obsession is a bit more intense than that.

 He eats anything. Anything.

 Did I say anything? Because I meant everything. 

They have to watch him super closely, because according to Brittany he will eat "rocks, poop, plants, carmex, ink, toys, batteries, trash, etc."    Wow.

The worst incident was when he got into a poisonous Sago Palm tree and ate it. 

He got extremely sick and had to be rushed to the emergency vet in liver failure! How terrifying!!  He had to stay there for a few days but he's obviously all better now.

 Today the worst holdover from his food-obsession is to begin reminding Brittany and her boyfriend about 30 minutes before dinner that it's time for him to eat. And heck, Wiley does that to us too. Even my own stomach betrays me that way.

Obviously Brittany takes lovely pictures.

 I have just a little bit of the story that remains, and that is to explain how Bonnie and Karter get along. But I am going to keep you in suspense until next time and use that part of the story as an excuse to share more of Brittany's amazing photos. 
You can follow her on Instagram @brittanyv326 to see what she can do.

Thanks Brittany for sharing Karter with us! Everyone keep your rescue stories coming. I know I'm a bit behind and only posting 3-4 days a week instead of 5-6 but I'm still here and willing to put your stories out there. It's just this pesky thing called a day job that's been taking up a lot of my time. BOL.  

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