Saturday, January 19, 2013

What did you miss? 1/13-1/18

We had a fun week at the Rescue Dog Blog. Sunday was a little serious, as I told you about Wiley's health problem. However, we battled the Monday blues with an adorable puppy named Lilly. Then we had a furry friend of Wiley's, Lilith. She's a rescue bunny, and we love rescues of any species so we are glad her mom shared.  On Wednesday, I told you about Wiley's true crime and the consequences. This brought us to our second promotion, Animals Behaving Badly. The only way this works is if YOU SHARE!  Remember, they don't have to be rescue pets. We ended the week with an uplifting story about a veteran who started a program to unite shelter dogs with PTSD sufferers, which is a win-win for everyone, or as Michael Scott would say, "It's a win-win-win." The vets get help and hope, the animals get a furever home, and our faith gets restored in humanity.

This week we will have a dog and a cat to share, and after that I am waiting on your stories. I also have a fun post about poor Wiley's bath-time.  Please take some time to find some pictures to share! In the meantime, I'll leave you with this image of an animal behaving very very badly.


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